Go to Events/Sessions click on 'Person Roles'

Click on the 'Add New Role' button

Enter the required fields and click 'Save' at the bottom

Role Field Definitions
Code: Unique identifier for Admin use
Name: Role Name will display in the Admin and on Front End website if no 'Public Label' is used.
Public Label: Role Name will display on the Front End website and in Program Guide Report
Description: The Role Name for each Event/Session and/or Presentation assignment in the Speaker Ready Room will be hyperlinked to a content window that will display the text entered in the 'Description' field.

Ask Many Forms: Select the Form(s) the Role is responsible for completing. The Form(s) will display for each Session/Event or Presentation the Role is assigned to in the Speaker Ready Room.

Ask Many Forms Required: If yes, displays a required flag and controls if the form(s) are required to be completed before uploading a document/presentation
Ask Once Forms Required: If yes, displays a required flag.
Ask Once Forms: Select the Form(s) the Role is responsible for completing. The Form(s) will show up at the top of the Speaker Ready Room in a 'Forms' table.

Preview Rights: N/A for Events/Sessions
Document Uploads: Enables an 'Upload' option for the Role to upload necessary files for each Session/Event or Presentation the Role is assigned to in the Speaker Ready Room.

Document Uploads Deadline: Disables the 'Document Upload' option in the Speaker Ready Room when the Deadline passes.
File Type Key: Used for system programmer to indicate what type of file uploads are allowed.
Media Uploads: Will only work if 'Document Upload = Yes'. Turns on an additional 'Upload' option used to associate referenced media files to the 'Document Upload'
RSVP: Turns on or off a feature in the Speaker Ready Room used to collect the Role's 'RSVP' for each Session/Event or Presentation assignment. Further setup required by your Project Manager.

Program Inclusion: Will include or exclude the Role assignments for Sessions/Events and Presentations in the Program Guide Report (e.g., you have an admin role you do not want printed in your program)
Display In Ready Room: Will include or exclude the Role assignments for Sessions/Events and Presentations in the Speaker Ready Room on the Front End Website. (NOTE: Admin Users will always see all of the Role assignments.)
Public View: Will include or exclude the Role assignments for Sessions/Events and Presentations on the Front End Website. (e.g., Session/Event Search and Listing pages)
Conflict Check Use: System will display Role schedule conflicts within the Edit Event/Session and Presentation screens. Conflicts will also display in the following report: Reports People Speaker Reports Conflicts Report.
Reviewer: N/A for Events/Sessions
Notification Email: N/A for Events/Sessions
Sort Order: Order in which Roles are listed via Admin
Status: Can only be changed to 'Inactive' if the Role is not assigned to anyone.
NEXT STEP - Set up Event/Session Type Rules
Before you can associate people to a Role, you must set up the Event/Session Type Rules

Click on the 'Add New Event Rule' button

Select the 'Session/Event Type' you want to associate the Role to and click 'Save'
NOTE: If you are using the CE/CME module, you can mark the Role as CEU Evaluation = Yes if you want the Role to be evaluated when users claim credit.

Continue to add as many Event/Session Type Rules, as needed.