Creating Form Questions


The name of the form question. Tip: When you generate reports, this name will become the title of a column in your Excel Spreadsheet.


The text that asks or explains the question. For longer text or a header, you can use the 'Intro Text' field.


There are several types of form questions, some of the most common are:


  • Choose One (35%): Radio Buttons will appear for every answer you set up for this question.
  • Select One Box (18%): Answers appear in a dropdown box. More compact than 'Choose One' but less space for long answers or answer explanations.
  • Free Form (14%): a multi-line box where text can be inserted.
  • Text (14%): a single line where text can be inserted.
  • Yes / No (7%): Choose one, with the answers 'yes' and 'no' pre-defined for you.
  • Choose Many (4%): check boxes with answers.
  • Scale (2%): Radio buttons with numbers in a range. Very common for review and weighted forms.
  • Yes/No/Why Yes (3%): a combination of choose one and freeform. If the respondent selects 'yes', the 'why yes' question required a responses.


  • Yes/No (Why No?): if respondent selects 'no', the 'why no?' question require a responses.
  • True/False: Yes/No with different labels.
  • Financial Disclosure: Specialized question format. Speak to your PM if you need help with this.
  • Date: Exposes a clanedar for respondents.
  • Time: Exposes a list of times for respondents.
  • Integer: System will only allow a user to enter numbers in this type of question.
  • Real Number: 

  • Data Grid: Specialized question format. Speak to your PM if you need help with this."
  • Abstract Ranking: N/A

Intro Text

For longer or specially formatted instructions, you can create an 'into text' block by selecting 'add text'. Or, if you've already created one, you can select the intro text block from the dropdown. This is especially helpful if your instructions need to contain images or tables.

Display Order

This number controls in what order the questions appear on the form.

Max Text Size

The maximum number of Characters for the response of this question. set to 0 for unlimited. 


If the Question Type = Scale, use this field to set your scale size. 

Why Question

For Question Types with 'Why', this is the instruction text that prompts for an explanation. Otherwise, system will display 'why'.

Answer Hint

Used for Enduring Materials Post-Test. See related article on how to set up a Post-Test.


Text that displays at the bottom of the question, typically in a smaller font.


Any form question marked 'required' must be completed before the form is marked 'complete'.Note: it's important to mark any weighted questions as required.

Special Character Option

When set to 'Yes' on 'FreeForm' Question Type, there will be a special character dropdown box to help people add unique characters to the response. This would be helpful for questions where the responses may contain technical or mathematical information.

Admin Use

When set to 'Yes', this question will only be viewable and answerable by administrators. This is helpful for when administrators need to add notes or feedback to forms that they can search and run reports against.

Submitter Feedback

If the form is used for Submission Review, marking as 'Yes' will allow the Submitters to see the responses to this question.

Public Use

Most commonly used with Speaker Forms, and Abstract Submission Forms. Sometimes also used with CE Post Test Forms and Information Request Forms.

Speaker Use Only

On a CE Eval or Speaker form, this question will be repeated for every speaker assigned. See related article on how to set up Session/Speaker Evaluations used for continuing education.


If you'd like to remove a question from a form, you can mark it as 'Inactive'. It will still show on the form with a strike-through.
Great! Now that you have your Question set up, maybe you would like some help Creating Form Answers.
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