Step 1: Go to Web Content > Site Map > Click on the Menu Title you want to edit
Step 2: Make any necessary changes to the Navigation Menu and click 'Save'
Step 3: Close Window and Click 'Reload Navigation' from the Site Map
NOTE: You must 'Reload Navigation' anytime you edit a navigation menu in order to see your changes on the website.
Navigation Menu Field Definitions:
- ID–(Non-editable)System auto-generates a unique code to refer to the menu item.
- Parent– To be selected if you are creating a submenu. This will determine which main menu the submenu appears under.
- URL–(Non-editable)System auto-generates the URL.
- URL Title- Text that appears when you hover the mouse over the menu bar and the text that appears on the admin site map.
- URL Link Text– Text that appears on the menu bar.
- Forward to URL– The menu will automatically re-direct to a URL you specify. Use this function if you are not adding content.
- Active List–(Non-editable)
- Order– Determines the order in which the menu item will appear.Tip: always skip the order by at least 3 numbers to make re-ordering easier.
- Security Level–(Non-editable)
- Root Menu– If “Yes,” the menu will be placed on the main menu bar. If “No,” the system will assume it is a submenu and you must assign it to a “Parent”.
- Quick Link– The menu will appear at the bottom of every page on the site.NOTE: you may need to ask your Project Manager to activate the Quick Links on your website.
- Link Only–Forces the system to link directly to the url provided and not 'track' the link as a 'click through.'
- New Window– If “Yes,” the menu will open in a new window. If “No,” the menu will open within the same window.Tip: open external websites and documents in a new window so users are not taken away from your website.
- Static Page- Used to indicate that page should not show up as a menu item. This allows users to create content that does not have a menu item tied to it.
- Status– Determines if the menu will appear on the menu bar. “Active” menus will appear, “Inactive” menus will not appear. Not to be confused with the status of menu content.