Create Pre / Post-Test Form

STEP 1: Configure the Form

Go to Settings Forms
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Click the 'Add New Form' button
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From the 'Type' drop-down list, select 'Pre Test' or 'Post Test'
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Complete the following fields:
  • Passing Weight: Determine the 'Passing Weight'. e.g., If the test has 5 questions and each question is worth 1 point, you will need a 'Passing Weight' of 5 to get 100% correct. 
  • Required = Yes
  • Max Submissions: Determine the 'Max Submissions' allowed to meet the 'Passing Weight'. i.e., how many times can a user fail the test before they are no longer allowed to proceed?
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NOTE: If you plan to use the test for more than one session, you need to flag the 'Speaker Ask Once' field to 'No' for reporting purposes.
Enter any other required fields and/or content and click 'Save' at the bottom of the screen to build your new form.

STEP 2: Adding Questions

Click the 'Add Question' link
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Enter the required fields. NOTE: You can only use Type = Choose One as your question format
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Add the 'Answer Explanation' (optional - users can preview the 'Answer Explanation' after they fail the first attempt) and flag the question as Required = Yes
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Click 'Save' to create your question and repeat the steps to add as many questions as needed

STEP 3: Adding Answers

Click the 'Add Answer' link next to the appropriate question
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Enter the required fields and enter the appropriate 'Weight' for the answer. e.g., if the question is worth 1 point, enter a 'Weight' of 1 for the correct answer. All other answers will have a weight of -1 (n/a)
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Click 'Save' to add the answer and repeat the steps to add as many answers as needed. 
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