November 2023 Release Notes

The below product updates are scheduled to go live November 6, 2023. Release notes for each update will be added here once it is available in your test environment.

City and State on Conference Preview: The city and state will now appear on the conference preview/public listing.
Public Conference Listing - City, State and Country: Added the ability to display city, state and country on the public conference listing. Please reach out to your project manager if you would like this configured on your site.
Updated Conference Starts/Ends On Filters: All existing conference starts and ends on date filters in searches and reports have been updated to use the below filter. This creates consistency across all searches and reports and provides more precise filtering options.
Set Submission Limit per Conference: Ability to set a limit on the number of submissions an individually can submit per conference. This allows you the flexibility to set different limits for each conference. This setting is controlled by the Ai project manager.
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