The below product updates are scheduled to go live July 3, 2023. Release notes for each update will be added here once it is available in your test environment.
Copy Submission and Session Types (applicable only to multi conference sites): Added the ability to copy submission and session types from one conference to another to increase efficiency when creating new types. Key details include:
- Conference Selected
- Submission Types
- The listing screen will show ONLY the submission types for the conference that is selected, no global or template types.
- A Copy Type button has been added to the upper right which will allow you to create a new type by copying from another conference.
- NOTE: if you need to create a new submission type, please continue to go through your project manager to have this created. Copying types does not including any mapping of data from submission to sessions. Engaging your project manager will ensure all details needed for the new type are set up.
- Submission Types
- Session Types
- The listing screen will show BOTH conference specific types and global types. The UI clearly distinguishes between the two.
- A Copy Type button has been added to the upper right which will allow you to create a new type by copying from either another conference or from a global type.
- If a session type is copied from global types to conference specific types, the global type will no longer be in use for that particular conference.
- Session Types
- No Conference Selected
- Submission Types
- The listing screen will show ONLY global/templated types.
- Session Types
- The listing screen will show ONLY global types.
- Submission Types
- Reporting
- Reports that have filter options for submission and/or session types will indicate which types in the drop down are conference-specific vs global by listing the conference name in parentheses after the type. If no conference name is shown, the type is global, i.e.:
- Reports that have filter options for submission and/or session types will indicate which types in the drop down are conference-specific vs global by listing the conference name in parentheses after the type. If no conference name is shown, the type is global, i.e.:
Send Email - Expanded Template Use: The following areas have been updated to utilize email templates when clicking the Send Email button as opposed to opening a blank email message box as the previously did:
- Admin > Conference Dashboard > Manage People
- Admin > Session > Manage Speakers
- Front End Session Builder role > Manage Speakers
*Only email templates marked as "public" will be available to front end roles.
Preferred Pronoun Field: A new profile field has been added to allow users to specify their preferred pronouns which can then be display by their name on submission, session, activity and speaker previews.
The response options are stored in a look up list that has the following default options. Additional options can be added to the look up list on a site by site basis:
- She, Her, Hers (active by default)
- He, Him, His (active by default)
- They, Them, Their (active by default)
- No pronouns (active by default)
- Write in your pronouns (active by default)
- Text box/write in
- Ze, Zir, Zirs (inactive by default)
- Ze, Hir, Hirs (inactive by default)
- She/They (inactive by default)
- He/They (inactive by default)
This must be turned on on a site by site basis. Please reach out to your project manager if you'd like to add this field.
Permission Field Default: The Permissions field that end users respond to to indicate whether they give permission for something was previously defaulted to "No" and is now defaulted to the blank "--SELECT--" so that users are forced to select a deliberate answer.
Room Assignment Displayed on Public Event/Session Search: The public event/session search will display room data from the Room Assignments by default. If no room assignment data exists, it will display the data from the event room field. Previously, it was only showing data from the event room field, not the room assignments section.
Updated the Submission Category Step: This step has been updated to make the UI more intuitive when using category priorities. If category priorities are turned on, the drop down fields will appear at the top of the page and will allow you to select from the drop downs any categories that have been checked off in the list below.