April 2023 Release Notes

The below product updates are scheduled to go live April 10, 2023. Release notes for each update will be added here once it is available in your test environment.

Inserted On: At the bottom of the the advanced edit screen (in the admin), we have added an "inserted on" date in addition to the existing "updated on" so you can see when a record was first inserted. This applies to the following screens:
  • Edit Attendee
  • Edit Abstract/Submission
  • Edit Event/Session
  • Edit Roomset
  • Edit Conference/Planner

Access Room Assignment Layout via Session: The Add/Edit Room Assignments link on the edit session screen will now to link to the function's Add/Edit Room Assignment pop up IF your site has both sessions and functions. This will allow you to take advantage of the room layout details when assigning rooms at the session level, as opposed to having to go to the function to see those details.

Single and Multi Select Drop Down Update: The UI on ALL single and multi select drop downs throughout both the admin and front end have been updated to make it easier to search for, select and deselect items. 

Please see the screenshots below for before and after examples and the video walk walk through here.


  • You may need to clear your cache in order to see the update reflected.
  • Drop downs with less than 5 select options will not have a search box.
  • If your site has customizations that use single or multi select drop downs that are not part of our core product, those drop downs will not be updated with this change.

Before: Single Select

After: Single Select


Before: Multi Select

After: Multi Select

Confirmation Data Grid / Disclosure Updates: The ability to set a confirmation data grid question to age/expire on a specific date for all users. This can be used in conjunction with or instead of the ability to set the question to expire after a certain number of days, which previously existed. To set a date at which you want the confirmation data grid question to expire, edit the question and enter a date in the "All responses must be completed again after" field:
Conference Starts/Ends Filter Added to People Reports: The below conference starts and ends on filter has been added to the People reports.
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