GDPR - Right to be Forgotten - Remove Person's Data along with Export Data

GDPR's Right to be Forgotten allows Data Subjects to request their personal data to be removed or retained. The 'Remove/Redact' feature allows the admin to remove or retain data to fulfill a person's request to be forgotten. 
To remove a person's data click on People tab and search for the person's profile under the search field.
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Click on the Action icon and click on Data Privacy Options
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Click on Remove Data for(Data subject's name) button
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Confirm the data removal process by selecting 'OK'
Review the Data Summary and Removal Notes that tells you what portion of a person's data is removed and retained while fulfilling the person's request to be forgotten.
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Check the consent box and Click on Remove Data. If you decide to not to move forward with the removal process click on Cancel Removal.
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Make sure you want to continue because this process cannot be undone. Click 'OK' to confirm your decision.
This message confirms that the person's data file has been emailed to the concerned data subject and also the data has been successfully redacted. Export Data generates a password protected zip file containing a person's data. Data is exported in a CSV file format and contains a read me document, which explains what each exported file contains.
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This is how the email for the data subject looks, and the person can download the file and open it with the password provided in a separate email.
Look for a separate email for the password
Remove Me-Now What? 
After the ‘Remove/Redact’ process is executed and finalized the removed person’s account has GDPR Redacted: Yes flag added to their account. 
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Front end Access for the Redacted Person: Redacted people can access the system from the front end. However, they will not have their information listed on any of the public views such as Activity and Session Previews.
Admin Searches: Admin can search for redacted people under the People menu from the Admin dashboard. However, these people do not show on the search results for future role assignments. 
Reports: Redacted people show in all the reports because the GPR Redacted field on the report filters options is by default set to ‘All’
If you want to filter these people from the reports, flag the above field to ‘No’ before running the report.
The GPR Redacted filter option is available on all reports that generates a listing of people.
For example: People-Person Reports, Ad-hoc reports, credits reports etc.
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